Sunday, September 23, 2012

Study : Smoking Deprives you from Quiet Sleeping

Study : Smoking Cigarettes Deprives you from Quiet Sleeping daily medical tips
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A new German study ( published in Addiction Biology Magazine ) has discovered that smokers get less quiet sleeping hours than non smokers .

Friday, September 21, 2012

Afraid from Alzheimer ??

Alois Alzheimer's patient
Auguste Deter. Alois Alzheimer's patient in November 1901, first described patient with Alzheimer's Disease. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alzheimer >> All of us have heard about Alzheimer before, almost all of us know someone who suffers from this disease ! your grandfather, grandmother, parents, uncle, aunt , etc.

Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Protect Children's Teeth

How do I take care of my children's teeth ? And at any age can I take care of their teeth?


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Improve your memory and avoid memory loss

 As some foods cause troubles in the digestive system, there are other foods contribute to the treatment of human health and the improvement of the situation, psychological and Mental.


Monday, September 3, 2012

How to kiss your child baby ?!!

Warning: Do not kiss your children from their mouths !!

One of the common habits in our society is frequent kissing of children in order to show some love and kindness to them but did not you know that these many kisses may be the cause of many Diseases .


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Green tea medical benefits

Tea is the world's most famous drink . Green tea, which was discovered by the Chinese about five thousand years known since ancient times for its benefits for health. It contains caffeine by 5% in addition to substance tannin and flavonoids 

Monday, August 27, 2012



Medical definition :
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) a very serious disease results from the inability of the immune systems in the body to fight many diseases, and often leads eventually to death.
Although some researchers were following cases of the disease since 1959, but the first discovery of AIDS was in America in 1981, and then followed by diagnosing of the disease worldwide.

AIDS is caused by two viruses in a group of viruses called " Retrovirus viruses " , was first discovered by French researchers in 1983 and U.S. researchers in 1984. In 1985 the virus was called human immunodeficiency virus or (HIV). They also discovered another virus called (HIV-2) .
Virus attacks mainly certain white blood cells, including T cells which play an important role in the function of the immune system. Virus Multiplies inside these cells which leads to break down the normal function of the immune system. For this reason, the HIV-infected person becomes susceptible to certain bacterial diseases may not afflict the normal persons or may not cause illness at all. These bacterial diseases are called opportunistic diseases, because they produce their effect when the immune system crashes.

How is AIDS virus transmitted ??
Lies in this three reasons :
1 - Sexual intercourse is the main reason for the transmission of the AIDS virus: The natural sex or sexual abnormalities types. And is required to be one of the persons carrying the virus to be transmitted to the other person. The Oral communication can transmit the virus but with very little possibility .
2 - Exposure to infected blood: through blood transfusions or contact with injured bleeding skin carrying the virus (before blood clotting, because the virus dies within minutes in external medium)
3 - Transmission of the virus from mother to fetus.

** You should know that virus is NOT been transmitted by the following ways :

- Food, water or anything that is swallowed.
- The use of sick person's tools or Clothes (except instruments contaminated fresh blood before clotting)
- Dermal
- Kissing or saliva
- Air

AIDS Virus can present in the human body -after transmission- for ten years or more without showing any symptoms. The half of people that are infected with AIDS appears to have symptoms associated with other diseases are usually less dangerous than AIDS, but in the presence of HIV virus, these symptoms goes on and become more severe. These symptoms include lymph nodes hyperatrophy, severe fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, night sweats, deterioration in the overall health of the human being and may affect the brain causing an imbalance in thinking and feeling, memory, movement and balance.
People with HIV are exposed for opportunistic infections (infections that appear when patients impaired immune only), there are certain diseases affecting people living with HIV, for example, (Pneumocycstis Carini) and (skin cancer) are most the accompanying diseases that afflict 65% of AIDS patients. Pneumonia is that infection of the lungs which leads to death. The tumor sarcoma is a type of cancer appears on the skin and is similar to the affected skin burns, but cancer grows and spreads.

Some people may become infected with HIV and do not appear to have any symptoms of the disease, while others get the virus and do not appear to have opportunistic infections, but may show symptoms within two to ten years or more after infection with the virus. The children who are born with AIDS have symptoms, in a period of less than the above-mentioned period in adults.
Diagnosis :
Detection of the presence of signs of the AIDS virus in the blood became widespread and available to all, and these tests determine the presence of antibodies to the AIDS virus. Antibodies are proteins produced by white blood cells when entering certain viruses or bacteria or foreign bodies to the human body. The presence of antibodies to the AIDS virus in the blood indicates infection.
HIV Can not be diagnosed with the disease symptoms only, confirmation occurs in the presence of a positive analysis. The presence of symptoms of opportunistic infections, leads to the suspicion of the disease and not diagnosing it, as these diseases can infect people who have weak immune from other causes.
Laboratory analysis is currently available in every country in the world, and is a high accuracy test. Based analysis is "ELISA HIV1 + HIV2" and every other tests in the market are inaccurate and not supported by the World Health Organization.
Analysis of the blood may present normal results during the first three months after the transmission of the virus, that is because antibodies may be delayed in appearance, due to the slow growth of the virus in the body. So it can not deny or confirm the disease in duration of three months after transmission. In a few cases, the appearance of antibodies is delayed, so it is advisable to re-analysis after 6 months when the analysis results is normal, to be more precise.
There is an analysis called PCR analysis, based on calculating the amount of virus in the blood of patient, and is not used for diagnosis, but is used to follow the progression of the disease when infected.
Remedies :
There are few medications that can stop the growth of the AIDS virus in laboratory Farms as medications which contain the active ingredient "zidovudine", which are part of antiviral medications that are commonly used. Also there are other recently medicines, under discussion, that give good results, but are so expensive, so they can be used in only a small number of rich country's population.
Although these treatments are effective, the recovery remains rare, and deaths resulting from the disease is very high (95%).

- Avoid sexual relations of all kinds except your wife.
- The use of condoms in sexual relations suspicious: it gives high protection rate, but it is not 100% due to use or accidents poor manufacturing
- Avoid the use of contaminated needles (for medical purposes or for drug abuse)
- Avoid blood transfusion except when blood is negative of the viruses
- Sterilize all tools that are exposed to the blood of different people (dentist's tools, barber, etc.)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Breastfeeding protects children from asthma

A recent study was done by researchers from Switzerland and the United Kingdom has proved that breastfeeding improves lung functions in children, especially if their mothers have asthma, this is according to what was published in the " American Magazine of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine " .

Garlic benefits : in history and at present

Garlic is defined as "the honey of poor people", because it is used to treat a variety of diseases, pain and fatigue . Primitive people tied it around their necks and wrapped in a piece of cloth to prevent cold. Asia is the origin of garlic, where it was transferred to Europe, where Europeans considered it a drug, they thought that it provides them with immunity from plague and protects them from vampires, and also save them from demons !


Friday, August 24, 2012

Effects of Wi-Fi internet on fertility

Effects of Wi-Fi internet on fertility

Researchers have recently discovered that the use of personal laptops especially laptops which fitted with Wi-Fi (wireless Internet access) near the genitals of males may lead to side effects on sperms production and their efficiency, which adversely affects the fertility rates .

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Here's what you need to get the best beautiful healthy nails

best beautiful healthy nails

Take a close look at your nails ,,

does it look strong and healthy ??

Do you see areas of different colour and shape ??

you Can avoid many of the unwanted conditions that harm the nails through proper care. But some in fact may point to a disease that requires attention .

Monday, August 13, 2012

Nuts prevent heart diseases and help loosing weight !

Nuts-Prevent-Heart-Diseases-and-Help-Loosing-Weight !

The results of some studies at University of California have proven that nuts play an important role in reducing the risk of heart disease, where reduced infection rate by more than half, as researchers proved that the reason is the highly fatty acids content of nuts.

They also proved that walnuts help in reducing the rate of LDL cholesterol in the blood within a month of eating moderate daily rates, because it contains a high percentage of unsaturated fat.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

make your teeth whiter, glossy and get a pretty smile

make your teeth whiter, glossy and get a pretty smile
make your teeth whiter, glossy and get a pretty smile

If you want to get shiny teeth and pretty smile, follow these simple steps that will not take a lot of your time and that will make your teeth clean and beautiful and attractive.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Relation between smoking cigarettes and heart diseases

Smoking Cigarettes and Heart Diseases
A professor of heart surgery explains that studies continues in many countriesas as ( USA _ canada _ Sweden )  for long years and proved that the percentage of myocardial infarction and death of the people who smoke is more than the percentage of the people who don't smoke by 60% , and this danger increases by increasing the amount of cigarettes which are smoken daily , specially above twenty cigarettes, and the Filter in this cigarettes doesn't decrease this danger !!

The percentage of infarction decreases when you stop smoking radically , it is also decreases when the patients who exposed to myocardial infarction - due to other reasons as ( high blood pressure , diabetes ) - do stop smoking ,this case INCLUDES MEN AND WOMEN.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Treatment of acne and its effect on the patient psychologically

Treatment of acne

Nearly seven out of ten young people suffering from pimples and red spots of the skin caused by acne. Acne can be cured completely, but you have to be patient, often weeks before a dramatic improvement.

It can be treated with a prescription of liquid formulations for the mild cases of acne. but in severe cases, dermatologist can describe localized cream or other medications taken by mouth.
Treatment of acne doesn't prevent scars only, but also protects against the harmful effects of psychological negativity, as young people suffering from acne - in severe cases - are avoided from their friends and are difficult to get a good job.

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