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Monday, September 3, 2012

How to kiss your child baby ?!!

Warning: Do not kiss your children from their mouths !!

One of the common habits in our society is frequent kissing of children in order to show some love and kindness to them but did not you know that these many kisses may be the cause of many Diseases .


There are some people who say that kissing the child in his mouth is something very important. In fact, the kiss that mom or dad put on the mouth of a young child, especially when he is in the first three months would transfer him any disease that one of the parents has or both of them . As the immunity of the baby starts to develop at six months .

If this kiss took place between an adult and a baby : 
First, fungal infection spreads on the tongue , in the gum and in all the mouth of the baby due to the fluidity of saliva . 

Also, decreased appetite ( the inability to eat food ) , transmission of some microbes that found in the mouth naturally by kissing to the baby and cause diseases to him as he has a weak immunity. As a result of this, they get sore throat inflamed tonsils .

When the child grows up ( 2 years old for example ) :

The kiss causes big complications for child's heart or infections in the kidneys .

One of the diseases that is transferred by kissing is " spinal fever " , it transfers through the microbes that found naturally in the mouth of the human .

There are viral diseases such as : Cold, should not be underestimated when kissing a baby, because they may infect the membrane lining the brain cells and result in very high temperature that is difficult to control and leads to child's convulsions similar to the case of spinal fever and sometimes may leads to death .

In addition to mumps , gray & German measles which are transported as viruses by the kiss to the child . Also, some microbes and viruses may transfer from adults to the salivary glands of the child, which results in inflammation of the salivary glands of the child .
When the kiss contains cells have pus in it, it would be transferred from the adult to the child, this leads to Gastroenteritis .

The disadvantages of the kiss to child's mouth have not finished yet, there are Hepatic viruses as
virus ( A ) which is transported to the child through the infected person carrying this virus .

Now, we should know that the right kiss to the child should be on his hand and his forehead as the microbe dies on the child's hand or his forehead .

Do you promise yourself not to do it anymore ??

May Allah save all our children ..


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