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Friday, August 24, 2012

Effects of Wi-Fi internet on fertility

Effects of Wi-Fi internet on fertility

Researchers have recently discovered that the use of personal laptops especially laptops which fitted with Wi-Fi (wireless Internet access) near the genitals of males may lead to side effects on sperms production and their efficiency, which adversely affects the fertility rates .

You might guess that the reason for this is due to the heat of the device itself when running and perhaps a lot of us knew that putting laptops on the thighs for long periods could lead to the transfer of heat resulting from the running of device to the testes, it is already true but it was found that the use of wireless Internet access adds significantly to this negative effect on sperms, where the study showed that a sperms sample exposed to free Wi-Fi (wireless Internet) in a certain temperature significantly less efficient than the same sperms at the same temperature which are not exposed to free Wi-Fi ( wireless Internet )

What far does this negative effect reach ??

A study made by American and Argentinians researchers had proved that sperms lose significantly the ability and efficiency of movement and is dangerous to fall in permanent changes in the genetic material or DNA that could have serious consequences for the offspring later
This study led team from Nascentis Center for Reproductive Medicine in Cordoba, Argentina, Eastern Virginia, and pointed out that a quarter of the sperms placed near the laptop for a few hours only have been killed.

On the other hand, sperms that was stored at the same temperature, but away from the laptop showed small decrease in the movement. Why is this happening ??

Simply due to the physical nature of the waves of Wi-Fi as they are electromagnetic waves that cannot be seen or felt, but are able to communicate and affect on our bodies as the human cells are units built from chemicals, as well as the genetic material . Change occur when these electromagnetic waves interact with components of cells and especially DNA arises .

What do we do now .....? 

It is convenient to mention that all these studies have been made in laboratory samples of sperms, and not directly on the testes . For example, when adjusting a test tube with sperms next to a laptop connected wirelessly to the internet, it is found that they all had killed during a quarter of an hour only , and although it has not been proven that this happens similarly within the testes, these indicators are raising questions about many of overfed use of some techniques that may be harmful .

Tips to avoid this negative effect :
  • Be rational in the use of technology in general, also it is preferred for  you to use the Internet using a wire .
  • if you are a fan of modern technologies and you like freedom of movement with your lap, put it in front of you on a table and do not put it on your knees or your stomach, so these harmful waves don’t interact with your body .
  • Do not put any device near of your genitals to avoid the heat and electromagnetic waves, putting any device near your testes is harmful even in the absence of wireless Internet .


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